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Beetle Saga

ADULT: Dorcus Bucephalus

ADULT: Dorcus Bucephalus

Regular price $199.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $199.00 USD
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Native Habitat: Indonesia 

Features: Males are known for their impressive, long, and robust mandibles, which have a slightly curved shape.

Size: 45-91mm

Adult Lifespan Once Active: 1-2 years

Larval Period: 8-14 months

Behavior: Same as other Dorcus species, they can be very active and aggressive.

Substrate and Air Temperature: 68-75°F (10-25°C) / 60-80% Humidity 

Beetle Food: Beetle jelly

Difficulty: Ideal for beginners

Rearing Tips: It's best to keep them individually, whether as adults or larvae.


**Caution: Do not release them.


Adult Rearing Tips:


• It's recommended to rear them with temperature control


• If there is a mating requirement, you should wait until two months after the dormant period before mating.


Refund policy: In case of dead-on-arrival (ONLY FOR EXPRESS SHIPPING):


• Please provide details within 1 hour of the first delivery attempt with the following 2 evidence:


• Photos of the deceased animal


• Video recording of the deceased animal with the box next to it.


• We will wait for 3 days before requesting another video of the beetle. This waiting period accounts for instances where the beetle may initially seem inactive but is recovering.


• The shipping amount paid is never refunded under any circumstance, it is paid to the post office.


• Active beetles are more aggressive and hyperactive, and it is possible for them to injure themselves during delivery, we will do our best to ensure their safety. Thus, we DO NOT provide refunds for injuries during delivery.


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